Monday, September 08, 2008

Coloursound CS76 Bass Moods Eric Vann


litlgrey said...
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litlgrey said...

I look forward to the actual download link!

Phylips said...

Relax, RS is working's coming up!

01100001 said...

Million thanks for all the Joel VDB music !!!

litlgrey said...

Oh, about Rapidshare... because even as a premium user the download speeds have been tamped down to a wholly unacceptable 20-30kbps (causing downloads in excess of 20 minutes), I would wholeheartedly enourage you to use a service like Sharebee so that posts would be hosted at three or four hosting services, including MegaUpload, Badongo, and ZShare.

Currently, I would enourage all bloggers to do this.

JR said...

litlgrey said...
speeds have been tamped down to a wholly unacceptable 20-30kbps

Strange, I haven't notice this!
At the very moment of this writing I'm downloding at a speed of 183 KB/s. But I have to mention that I use 'Free Download Manager' for my downloads.